Phalèse, Pierre;
Clemens non Papa, Jacobus;
Appenzeller, Benedictus;
Manchicourt, Pierre de;
Adriaenssen, Emanuel;
Susato, Tielman;
Lasso, Orlando di
La Caccia;
Denecker, Patrick
nr katalogowy
RIC 137
The city of Antwerp could well have shared the title of European capital of music with Venice during the 16th century. Whilst there was a great amount of sacred and secular music performed in the city, Antwerp’s manufacturers of harpsichord and virginals, the Ruckers family in particular, boasted a vast number of clients throughout Europe. The city’s music printers and publishers, led by Tielman Susato and Pierre Phalèse, also enjoyed an international reputation. La Caccia has drawn upon works published by them to compile this programme that displays the richness and the variety of music in Antwerp during the Renaissance.
Salve Regina- Classical Music for Reflection and Meditation
Napisz recenzję dla: Salve Antwerpiae
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Salve Antwerpiae
1 szt
42,00 zł
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