This is the 4th and last instalment of a huge enterprise, a world premiere: the recording of the complete songs by Tosti! • Paolo Tosti (1846-1916) worked in poverty as a music teacher till he met the influential composer Giovanni Sgambati, who became his mentor. He introduced Tosti to Princess Margherita of Savoy, who became later Queen of Italy. She was impressed by him and appointed him as royal music teacher. In 1875 Tosti went to London where his fame spread, and he was made Singing Master of the Royal family. • He is known for his vast quantity of light, expressive songs, characterised by natural, singable melodies of a charming and sweet sentiment. They became immensely popular and Tosti made a fortune with them. • This new project is produced by the Tosti Institute in Italy, presenting an impressive line of excellent Italian singers: Maria Bagàla, John Viscardi, Glen Morton, Donata D'Annunzio Lombardi, Giuseppina Piunti, Riccardo Della Sciucca, Cinzia Forte, Giovanni Meoni, Monica Bacelli, and pianists Isabella Crisante and Marco Scolastra.
WYCOFANY Tosti: The Song of a Life, Complete Vocal Chamber Music
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Tosti, Francesco Paolo
Tosti: The Song of a Life vol. 4
1 szt
98,00 zł
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