Mya Senhor Velida: Medieval Lais & Cantigas from France & Spain
Luengo, Francisco
nr katalogowy
These medieval cantigas and lais – troubadour compositions from Galicia and France, respectively – display an innovation of the 12th and 13th centuries: themes of courtly love and Marian devotion combined, at once carnal and mystical, encompassing both the profane and the divine. The two lais on this recording are found in a manuscript songbook known as the Noailles Chansonnier from c.1300. In the anonymous Plainte de la Vierge au pied de la croix the Virgin Mary speaks in first person in a figurative lament at the foot of the cross. The Lai de Notre Dame, attributed to 13th-century troubadour Ernoul ‘Le Vieux’ or ‘Le Vielle’, begins with the author’s promise to keep faith with the Virgin Mary and serve no other woman, a pledge quite reminiscent of those of Alfonso X of Castile in his Cantigas de Santa Maria, one of the largest collections of monophonic songs from the Middle Ages.
CYP 1633
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Mya Senhor Velida: Medieval Lais & Cantigas from France & Spain
1 szt
55,00 zł
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