Staropoli, Manuel;
Cavasanti, Lorenzo;
Marchese, Massimo;
Contadin, Cristiano;
Tomadin, Manuel
nr katalogowy
Little is known of Robert de Viseé (1655–1733). Even his birth and death places and dates are uncertain. What we do know is that this fine collection of Suites was published in Paris in 1716. It is, for its time and place, typically stylish music, often with a melancholy tinge. This release of historically informed performances by Italian musicians completes their recording of the publication. ‘As gorgeous Suite follows gorgeous Suite,’ remarked MusicWeb’s reviewer of Volume 2, ‘it quickly becomes obvious that de Visée's music is strikingly original, despite its simplicity of means and structure. This is not dance music of a frivolous or frothy nature, but the work of an inspired mind, dignified and charged with emotional depth.’
Corrette: Les délices de la Solitude Sonatas Op. 20
Napisz recenzję dla: De Visée: La musique de la chambre du Roi Vol. 3
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Visée, Robert de
De Visée: La musique de la chambre du Roi Vol. 3
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