The 19th century Italian guitar virtuouso Mauro Giuliani wrote many works for guitar in combination with other instruments, but very few are for guitar and keyboard. This rare recording includes four such works, three of which were written with other composers: Ignaz Moscheles and Johann Nepomuk Hummel. The new release adds to the growing collection of Giuliani recordings on Brilliant Classics.
The Grand Duo Concertant is a joint composition by Giuliani and the pianist Ignaz Moscheles, and was dedicated to the Archduke Rudolf of Austria, to whom Beethoven dedicated his own ‘Archduke’ Trio. Moscheles was only nineteen at the time, and his youthful enthusiasm can be heard in the verve and energy of the piano part. It is a delightful piece, with perfect balance between the two instruments, and the romantic third movement, Largo espressivo, is hauntingly beautiful.
Bach JCF: Sonatas For Transverse Flute And Fortepiano
SY 04212
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Giuliani / Moscheles / Hummel: Music for Guitar and Fortepiano
1 szt
55,00 zł
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