Frescobaldi: Edition Vol. 9, Il Primo Libro di Recercari
Loreggian, Roberto
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Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643) is the most significant figure in Italian keyboard music before Domenico Scarlatti. He was born in the northern city of Ferrara which, under the Este family had become a major centre for the musical avant-garde. Frescobaldi thrived in this heady environment, and this together with the influences he had picked up from his travels to Rome and Flanders gave his music its distinctive style. He became organist at St Peter’s in Rome, and when the new St Peter’s was completed in 1615 it was equipped with two superb organs which Frescobaldi performed on during official services and state events.
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Frescobaldi, Girolamo
Frescobaldi: Edition Vol. 9, Il Primo Libro di Recercari
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