Gothic Voices’ reputation for the originality of its programming is cemented with its first recording of medieval Christmas music, in which Julian Podger reimagines a fifteenth-century carol evening. • Mirroring the modern practice of performing mostly music from the preceding centuries alongside some contemporary repertoire, the programme includes late medieval English carols, chant, mono- and polyphonic songs and motets for the Advent and Christmas season, focusing on Mary, her Annunciation and the birth of Jesus. • Larger-scale festive motets and mass movements by English late medieval celebrities John Dunstaple and Leonel Power also feature. • The ‘evening’ concludes with a summons to wake up to the significance of Christmas, with the conductus call Resonet, intonet introducing the carols Nowell synge we bothe al and som and Nowell: Owt of your slepe and the great Christmas chant Puer natus est nobis, arranged here into a joyful finale. • This recording has been widely anticipated since a performance of this repertoire in December 2016 was chosen by BBC Music Magazine as its number one unmissable Christmas event.
The Splendour of Florence with a Burgundian Resonance
CKD 700
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Nowell synge we bothe al and som
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