In his piano suite Goyescas Spanish composer Enrique Granados was inspired by paintings by Goya, each painting telling its own story, and together forming one continuous tale, an fictional opera (in fact he wrote this actual opera with the title Goyescas, rarely performed nowadays). • The Goyescas are one of Spain’s most important and indeed iconic piano suites (together with the Iberia suite by Albeniz), its full blooded Romanticism is infused with the sounds, rhythms and perfumes of Granados’ native country Spain. • French pianist Jean-François Dichamp intersperses the Goyescas suite with several sonatas by Scarlatti and Soler, works which, though separated some 150 years, share the same Andalusian spirit. • Jean-François Dichamp was a student of Nikita Magaloff and Maria Curcio.
Granados: Orchestral Works Vol. 3 - Liliana (Lyric Poem) Suite oriental Elisenda
Napisz recenzję dla: Granados: Goyescas, an Opera for Piano
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Granados, Enrique
Granados: Goyescas, an Opera for Piano
1 szt
55,00 zł
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