The public persona of the English composer Humphrey Procter-Gregg (1895–1980) was that of an academic and administrator (he founded the Music Department of Manchester University), and he was held in high regard as a writer and a translator of opera. But his own music reveals a startling degree of energy and passion, perhaps reflecting his fondness for the outdoors. These violin sonatas point to an enthusiasm for Delius, particularly in their more wistful passages; more surprisingly, they also show a stylistic proximity to the music of Fauré.
różni kompozytorzy,
Bax, Arnold,
Bennett, Richard Rodney
The Thurston Connection - English Music for Clarinet and Piano
Napisz recenzję dla: Procter-Gregg: Chamber Music Vol. 1
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Procter-Gregg, Humphrey
Procter-Gregg: Chamber Music Vol. 1
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