When we turn our attention inward, we encounter the worlds of consciousness and unconsciousness, the dark inner space of visions and dreams and the workshop of our soul. Every human being follows a unique road of confusion and error on the journey towards inner truth. Communion with oneself transforms the sharpness of the day, leading our soul through the dreams and inner movements that bring unguarded freedom. At the end of all actions, pure Being remains. The greatest of all universal energy - Love. • Franz Schubert, Johannes Brahms, Hugo Wolf, Franz Liszt, Richard Strauss, Richard Wagner, Max Reger, Louis Spohr, Karl Weigl, Robert Füstenthal, Richard Rössler as well as Gabriel Fauré, Henri Duparc und Reynaldo Hahn take us on their musical journey towards the inner world.
Muzyka klasyczna
Solo Musica
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Produkt nagrodzony:
MusicWeb International: 'Nominee for Recording of the Year' (2021)
WYCOFANY Schubert: Licht und Liebe - pieśni i kwartety wokalne
HMC 902130
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