Since 1993 Richard Rijnvos has been concentrating on the realisation of compositions that are part of larger series. In the year 2007 Richard Rijnvos started a series of compositions under the collective title Riflessi. 'Riflesso' is Italian for sheen. It is cognate with the more familiar word 'riflessione' (reflection), yet its meaning has additional subtlety: reflective light of a tone different from that of its source. The Riflessi series consists exclusively of companion pieces. In other words: each Riflesso explores the same exceptional scoring of a classic from the last century. • Riflesso sul tasto is a companion piece for Refrain (1959) by Karlheinz Stockhausen. This particular work is widely known because of the unconventional look of its score: arch-shaped staves plus a transparent strip with additional notes. The position of the transparency is free and decided upon by the performers. Thus the form of Refrain differs substantially with eachperformance. • Riflesso sull’arco is a companion piece for Swinging Music (1970) by the Polish composer Kazimierz Serocki. It is scored for bass clarinet, trombone, cello and piano. • Riflesso sullo spazio (‘reflection on space/time’) is a companion piece for Arnold Schönberg’s Suite, his opus 29. The work is a series of variations on the name of Arnold Schönberg.
Piani: 12 Sonate a Violino solo e Violoncello col Cimbalo, op. I, 1712
TC 671690
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Rijnvos, Richard
Rijnvos: Riflessi
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