Waitemata Reverie - New Zealand Guitar Music Vol. 3
Herbig, Günther
nr katalogowy
Classical guitar music has flourished in New Zealand in recent years, and Bruce Paine, among the country’s leading composers for the instrument, is one of the most imaginative and original. This album charts the course of his writing from one of his earliest pieces, the poetic, witty tone poem Sea Suite, to the recent and substantial Waitematā Reverie. Drawing on an impressionistic palette Paine conjures up chime arpeggios as well as the natural world in Oakura Chimes. The four settings of Māori folk songs were arranged expressly for this album.
Prospero Dreaming - New Zealand Guitar Music by Douglas LILBURN & David FARQUHAR
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Paine, Bruce
Waitemata Reverie - New Zealand Guitar Music Vol. 3
1 szt
58,00 zł
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