Mieczysław Weinberg’s works for flute were mainly conceived for the renowned soloist Alexander Korneyev. The earliest of these is the 12 Pieces from 1947, a playful series of character studies that touch on a variety of moods. Also from 1947, the recently rediscovered 5 Pieces draws on Debussy and the early string quartet Capriccio, Op. 11 for its ironic good humour. The First Flute Concerto has a genial air with klezmer influences, while the Second Flute Concerto, among Weinberg’s last works, is often introspective and valedictory in mood. This is the first complete recording of Weinberg’s entire output for accompanied flute.
Works for Piano and Orchestra: Ustvolskaya, Silvestrov, Kancheli
GP 678
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Weinberg, Mieczysław
Weinberg: Flute Concertos Nos. 1 and 2; Pieces for Flute and Orchestra
1 szt
58,00 zł
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