Telemann: Inauguration Cantatas for Hamburg & Altona
barockwerk hamburg;
Hochman, Ira
nr katalogowy
CPO 555 255-2
Telemann for Special Occasions • The three compositions brought together on this CD demonstrate how Telemann could be relied on to compose not only church music for ordinary religious services but also works for extraordinary sacred events and special occasions. Telemann’s dedicatory music for the church in the St.Hiob-Hospital in Hamburg, »Kommt, lasset uns anbeten,« is scored for an ensemble that is noticeably smaller than those of his other compositions for the dedication of churches. This does not reflect lesser status but owes to the small church space. As a result, the composition convinces the listener with its intimacy, while the ensemble limited to a few musicians contributes significantly to the exquisite impression made by this lovingly designed music displaying many beautiful details, above all in the melodic and harmonic spheres. By contrast, the stylistic modernity and wealth of imagination in Telemann’s sung poem »Geschlagene Pauken, auf!« – which has been recorded here for the first time – makes us sit up and take notice. • And the motet »Laetare iuvenis in iuventute tua,« composed in 1758 to a text from the Old Testament, numbers among the few works by Telemann attesting to his activity in the educational field as the music director of Hamburg’s Latin School (the Johanneum).
Telemann: Cantatas for the Hanoverian Kings of England
CPO 555 426-2
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Telemann, Georg Philipp
Telemann: Inauguration Cantatas for Hamburg & Altona
1 szt
58,00 zł
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