David Popper was one of the most important cellists of the 19th century and is remembered for the études of his High School of Cello Playing (8.557718-19). Popper premiered chamber works by Brahms and championed Schumann’s Cello Concerto, and his own four concertos span an illustrious 50-year career. Each shares a lyrical Romantic spirit: the playful First Concerto, an enjoyable prelude to the more dramatic and virtuoso Second, and the single-movement Third a masterpiece in melodic compactness. The Fourth Concerto was dedicated to ‘my great colleague’ Alfredo Piatti and is recorded here in its version with piano.
Contemporaries of the Strauss Family Vol. 3 - Waltzes, Marches and Polkas
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Popper, David
Popper: Cello Concertos
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