Of the many important anniversaries occurring in 2018, it is worth remembering the 350th death anniversary of the violin virtuoso Francesco Maria Veracini. What better occasion to (re-)discover Enrico Gatti’s first reference recording for the label Arcana?
The fierce Florentine violinist played throughout Europe leaving indelible marks in towns such as Dresden, London, Frankfurt and Prague. His violin sonatas show a lively imagination and personal verve combined with a brilliant instrumental technique.
This Cd presents a selection from the two volumes of violin sonatas: 2 chamber sonatas from Op. 1 (1721), a collection of 12, divided into 6 chamber sonatas containing Ouvertures or Preludes followed by suites of dances and 6 church sonatas in five movements, where the violin part notably more daring than in Corelli’s austere style, and 2 from the Academic Sonatas op. 2 (1744), distinguished not only for the originality and excellence of the music, but also for the presence of dynamic signs and unusual performing indications, a frequent use of the long bowing typical of the Italian virtuosi, an abundant variety of bow strokes and idiomatic inventions of great effect.
Solve et Coagula, opera w stylu baroku neapolitańskiego
Alpha 537
Napisz recenzję dla: Veracini: Sonate a violino solo e basso
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Veracini, Francesco Maria
Veracini: Sonate a violino solo e basso
1 szt
79,00 zł
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