Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra (NOSPR Katowice);
Wit, Antoni
nr katalogowy
"The performances, as led by Penderecki student Antoni Wit, are lusty and vigorous. It is easy to imagine that the National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra plays this music with the same personal identification that the Leningrad Philharmonic under Mravinsky played Shostakovich. Between these two CDs, there is a trove of modern classics that cover a great range of style, yet taken as a whole stamp a deep impression on the musical world of the late 20th century." • Fanfare, July/August 2000
Works: •
Penderecki: De Natura Sonoris No. 2 •
Penderecki: Fluorescences •
Penderecki: Symphony No. 3 •
Penderecki: Tren (Threnody), "To the Victims of Hiroshima"
Napisz recenzję dla: Penderecki: Orchestral Works Vol. 1
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Penderecki, Krzysztof
Penderecki: Orchestral Works Vol. 1
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58,00 zł
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