Raphaël Pichon has invited Stéphane Degout to make his recording debut for harmonia mundi in a multifaceted exploration of the Underworld. The French baritone reincarnates the figure of Henri Larrivée, the famous tragedian of Rameau and Gluck. Around a reconstruction of an imaginary Mass of the Dead, sacred and secular merge, revealing some of the most extraordinary pieces from the operatic repertory of the Enlightenment. Music of death and mourning on an epic scale that inspires Pygmalion to overwhelming heights of pathos
WYCOFANY Stravaganza d'amore, The Birth of Opera at the Medici Court
HMM 902286.87
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Rameau, Jean-Philippe,
Gluck, Christoph Willibald
Enfers - Famous opera scenes by Rameau and Gluck
1 szt
61,00 zł
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