Flagstad, Aeneas Kirsten;
Schwarzkopf, Elisabeth;
Hemsley, Thomas
nr katalogowy
When this recording of Dido and Aeneas first appeared in January 1953 The Gramophone commented: “At last we have a really satisfactory recording of Dido”.The reviewer found “Madame Flagstad in splendid voice and her tone is most perfectly controlled”. Elisabeth Schwarzkopf was deemed “a vivacious Belinda”, Arda Mandikian’s Sorceress “sufficiently spiteful” and Thomas Hemsley “a dignified and slightly diffident Aeneas, but I imagine Dido gave him a strong inferiority complex”. Geraint Jones, who enjoyed a highly successful career as an organist, harpsichordist, conductor and recording producer, was praised for his “musicianly playing and a lack of that lumpy rhythm that is fatal in Purcell’s music”.
R. Strauss: Four Last Songs; Arabella [Highlights]
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Purcell, Henry
Dido and Aeneas
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