Brahms: Transcriptions for solo piano by Paul Klengel
Williams, Christopher
nr katalogowy
GP 749
The 19th century witnessed an almost insatiable demand for arrangements and transcriptions to be played on domestic pianos. Brahms himself wrote such works under the names GW Marks and Karl Würth but friends and colleagues also contributed. The violinist, pianist and conductor Paul Klengel, brother of the eminent cellist Julius, made solo piano versions of the Horn Trio and the Clarinet Quintet, transcribing with remarkable fidelity and sensitivity Brahms myriad expressive and technical demands.
Schubert: Schwanengesang; Brahms: Acht Zigeunerlieder
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Brahms, Johannes
Brahms: Transcriptions for solo piano by Paul Klengel
1 szt
58,00 zł
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