Isaac: In the time of Lorenzo de’ Medici and Maximilian I
La Capella Reial de Catalunya;
Savall, Jordi;
Hesperion XXI
nr katalogowy
AVSA 9922
This album is not only the opportunity to discover the music of Heinrich Isaac under the inspired direction of Jordi Savall ; it is also the portrait of an era during which the Hundred Year's War ended, the Medici family reached its peak, the idea of the Reformation surged and Charles V was crowned at the head of an Empire that redefined the idea of Europe, as did the music of this time.
Marais: Pieces de viole des Cinq Livres 1686, 1701, 1711, 1717 & 1725
AVSA 9872
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Isaac, Heinrich
Isaac: In the time of Lorenzo de’ Medici and Maximilian I
1 szt
79,00 zł
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