Gilchrist, James;
Gardiner, John Eliot;
Monteverdi Choir;
English Baroque Soloists;
Loges, Stephan
nr katalogowy
SDG 725
"James Gilchrist is among the most communicative of storytellers and his lightly articulated, subtly nuanced declamation and, where required, sense of urgency are eloquent and dependable…the many choruses, chorales and arias come across convincingly…Eleanor Minney deserves special mention for her ‘Erbarme dich’…Gardiner directs all with insight, sensibility and a commendably athletic overview which ensures an unflagging sense of drama." • BBC Music Magazine (pasja Mateuszowa)
Santiago a cappella (Llibre vermell de Montserrat, Guerrero, Lobo, Victoria, Cardoso, ...)
SDG 710
Napisz recenzję dla: Bach: St. Matthew Passion BWV 244
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Bach, Johann Sebastian
Bach: St. Matthew Passion BWV 244
1 szt
119,00 zł
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