Novaya Rossiya Symphony Orchestra;
Walker, Alexander;
nr katalogowy
TOCC 0283
One of the unsung heroes of modern music, English composer Robin Walker (b. 1953) writes music which he descirbes as ‘passionate classicism,’ fusing together discipline and subjective emotion. Four exciting works have been chosen for this album, all of which display his vigorous and exciting orchestral composition style. He attributes his stylistic choices to his three decades living on the farms in northern England, developing a close relationship with the primacy of nature. Conductor Alexander Walker, of no relation to the composer, has performed all over the globe with the world’s finest symphonies. For this recording, he conducts the Novaya Rossiya Symphony Orchestra.
Waghalter: New World Suite Overture and Intermezzo Mazaryk's Peace March
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Walker, Robin
Walker: Orchestral Music
1 szt
58,00 zł
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