Shortly after the second world war, the archivists at the cathedral of Tournai noted with regret the disappearance of a musical manuscript made up of plainchant and polyphony, written between the 15th century and 1602. It unexpectedly resurfaced in November 2006 and was re-entered in the cathedral's archives and library. An inscription on the back flyleaf gives the work the title Libellus confraternitatis Transfigurationis Domini in ecclesia Tornacensi (Little book of the friars of the Brotherhood of the Lord's Transfiguration at the Cathedral of Tournai). Various studies have revealed the exceptional interest of this manuscript in both its historical and musical aspects. The recording by the Ensemble Psallentes, directed by Hendrik Vanden Abeele, enables listeners to discover all the beauties of this jewel.
WYCOFANY Love, Revelry and the Dance - Troubadours, Trouveres, Carmina Burana, The Llibre Vermell, ...
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Napisz recenzję dla: Missa Transfigurationis; Tournai, XV - XVI wiek
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Missa Transfigurationis; Tournai, XV - XVI wiek
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