The Bulgarian-born Emil Tabakov successfully combines the roles of conductor and composer. His Concerto for Two Flutes and Orchestra, written in 2000 at the request of the French flautist Patrick Gallois, to whom it is dedicated, has been performed with great success in Turkey, Russia, Mexico and Bulgaria. Its exotic scoring includes maracas, tambourine and the tamburo bulgaro. The creation of the Concerto for Piano and Orchestra was prompted by the Rotary Club of Adana in Turkey to celebrate the anniversary of the Turkish army, founded in 209 B. C. A virtuosic work in the traditional three-movement sequence of the classical concerto, the Concerto is scored for a large symphony orchestra and has already attracted several eminent pianists.
Majerski: Concerto-Poem for piano and orchestra,Piano Quintet, Sonata for Cello and Piano
TOCC 0344
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Tabakov, Emil
Tabakov: Concerto for 2 Flutes
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