Raphaëlla Smits, the grande dame of the guitar from Belgium, has spent some 35 years making memorable recordings, many of them for the Accent label. This recital containing pieces by Antonio Jiménez Manjón appeared in 1999, and did admirable justice to a composer whose name despite the high quality of his music has not figured frequently on recordings. The melodiousness of his writing, almost unlimited in its variety, comes to life under the hands of a Smits fully idiomatic in the language of this Spaniard who emigrated to South America, and heard exquisitely caressing the strings of an original guitar made by Vicente Torres in 1899.
Peaceful Guitar: The Spanish Collection (Brilliant Budget Collection)
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Jiménez Manjón, Antonio
Jiménez Manjón: Works for guitar
1 szt
45,00 zł
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