During recent years the young Swiss conductor Simon Gaudenz has made a name for himself particularly as an interpreter of the classical repertoire. A fresh, new approach against the background of historically informed performance practice characterizes his recordings and concerts. During this same time he was associated with the Symphony Orchestra in the city of Odense on the island of Funen (the birthplace of Hans Christian Andersen and Carl Nielsen!), serving as its principal guest conductor. This orchestra, ranking as one of Denmark's premier orchestras next to the Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra in Copenhagen, immediately felt that extraordinary things could be realized with this revolutionary wielding the baton. It was agreed to take on Schumann. And what a marvelous result: so fresh, so transparent, so analytic, so captivating – in short: never before have we heard Schumann performed so excitingly. And, to top things off, in Surround Sound and at this unbeatable price!
The Royal Danish Academy of Music 150 years - duńscy kompozytorzy oraz Beethoven, Mozart, Mahler
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Schumann, Georg
Schumann: The Symphonies
1 szt
89,00 zł
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