When the soldiers of the legendary Maori Battalion sailed for the Second World War, they took with them songs that embodied the love and prayers of those at home. There were hymns, haka and popular action songs, together with the rousing Maori Battalion March to Victory! These were sung with a style that became part of the Battalion's legend. • Atoll CDs, in association with the Sound Archives of Radio NZ/Nga Taonga Korero and the National Library of New Zealand, is proud to release an historic 2-CD set featuring recordings of the Battalion while it was overseas. • These unique recordings were taken 'live' on location in the sands of Egypt, during artillery action in North Africa, and in the green valleys of Southern Italy, by the Middle East Recording Unit of New Zealand's National Broadcasting Service. The recordings captured the raw exuberance and vigour of the performances, and convey something of the drama of the epic events involving the Battalion during WW2.
The Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto Song of the Five-Fingers Mountain
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