After Buxtehude, Bruhns, Böhm and others, Bernard Foccroulle pursues his exploration of the pre-Bach organ repertoire with the works of Matthias Weckmann, who compels recognition as the keystone figure in the generation preceding Buxtehude’s. + The repertoire tackles the free forms of the new stylus fantasticus and different forms of pieces inspired by chorale tunes, including two monumental fantasias in several sections. + Mr. Foccroulle made this recording on three historic organs: in Hollern, Stade and primarily on the recently restored organ of the Katharinen Kirche in Hamburg.
The Time of Monteverdi - historia muzyki, wczesny barok 1589 - 1670
RIC 107
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Weckmann, Matthias
Weckman: Complete Organ Works
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