At the latest after the successful defence of the Turks from Vienna in 1683, Western Europe developed a weakness for everything oriental, which was musically reflected in numerous "Turkish operas" in the second half of the 18th century. Grétry also served the desire for the exotic and even composed one of his most successful operas with La Caravane du Caire (more than 500 performances at the Académie royale de musique in Paris alone!) No wonder, Gretry knew how to spice up the piece with coloratura arias in the Italian style and exotically colored ballet scenes. RICERCAR presents here a new recording with Guy van Waas and Les Agrémens
Charpentier: Pour un reposoir, Noëls pour les instruments, Sonate à huit
RIC 338
Napisz recenzję dla: Grétry: La Caravane du Caire
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Gretry, André-Ernest-Modeste
Grétry: La Caravane du Caire
1 szt
129,00 zł
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