Nakład wyprzedany, ostatni egzemplarz The ‘Father of Russian music’ as the Russian history books refer to Glinka, but what do we generally hear from Mikhaïl Glinka, apart from the echoes of Russlan and Ludmilla or from A Life for the Tsar? This CD includes the extraordinary dance interludes brought together by Peter Klimov. The Moscow Chamber Orchestra, who revealed Alyabiev (FUG539) offers a outstanding selection on this album. Besides well known works like The Kamarinskaïa or Nocnhoj smotr, popularised by Chaliapin, and predating Wolf and Mahler by 50 years, most of this disc’s repertoire is relatively unknown and unrecorded.
• Glinka: Ivan Susanin (A Life for the Tsar): Three Dances
•Glinka: Kamarinskaya
•Glinka: Overture in D major
•Glinka: Overture in G minor
•Glinka: Romance - Kolybelnaia
•Glinka: Romance - Ne nazivaj
•Glinka: Symphony in B Flat Major