Among the young lyric tenors who are making a name for themselves, the name Jan Kobow appears more and more frequently - especially on cpo. The Berlin-born singer has so far focused on the music of the 18th century, performing with conductors such as Herreweghe, Gardiner, Leonhard, Jacobs, Suzuki and, time and again, Ludger Rémy. However, lieder have become an increasingly important part of his concert repertoire and he is particularly fond of the romantic art song. So it was only overdue that I asked him to take on a series of our Loewe Lieder project: Vol. 18. It has become one of the highlights of the edition in terms of singing!
At the heart of the program is the setting of the great three-part Indian legend "Paria" by Goethe. Kobow's Loewe program also includes many Rückert settings. You can look forward to an incredibly varied recital. Cord Garben is, as always, accompanist and spiritus rector.
•Loewe, C: Abendgesang, Op. 10, H.II, 6
•Loewe, C: Brautkranzlied
•Loewe, C: Canzonette
•Loewe, C: Das Schifflein
•Loewe, C: Der große Kurfürst und die Spreejungfrau, Op. 7, 1
•Loewe, C: Der Hirt auf der Brücke, Op. 130, 4
•Loewe, C: Der Papagei, Op. 111
•Loewe, C: Der Sturm von Alhama, Op. 54
•Loewe, C: Des Glockenthuermers Toechterlein, Op. 112 a
•Loewe, C: Die Herzensrose, Op. 130, 2
•Loewe, C: Fruehlingsankunft, Op. 130, 5
•Loewe, C: Hebräische Gesänge, Op. 4
•Loewe, C: Jerusalems Zerstoerung durch Titus, Op. 14, 5
•Loewe, C: Paria, Op. 58
•Loewe, C: Thränen und Lächeln, Op. 4, 6