When father and son write popular spa music together...! That would be the right motto for this incredibly entertaining, enthralling portrait of two artists who shaped the musical landscape in Bohemian Karlovy Vary for many decades. The crème de la crème gathered here every year to recuperate in the healing thermal baths, so a well-maintained orchestra was a must. Joseph Labitzky, a contemporary of Joseph Lanner and Johann Strauss Sr., transformed it into a real gem. He performed his own pieces with the ensemble as a matter of course, and it is no wonder that they were a success. Catchy melodies, sparkling rhythms, beautiful sounds – many a spa guest will have recovered just by listening. August Labitzky continued his father's life's work with great aplomb, and maestro Christian Simonis is once again enthusiastically committed to the sons of light entertainment.
•Joseph Labitzky: Jubelfeier-Walzer op. 239
•Joseph Labitzky: Carlsbader Sprudel-Galopp op. 131
•Joseph Labitzky: 3 Polkas für Orchester op. 205 (Maiblümchen, Veilchen, Vergissmeinnicht)
•Joseph Labitzky: Marienbad-Galopp op. 209
•Joseph Labitzky: Die Orientalen-Walzer op. 109
•Joseph Labitzky: Epheuranken-Galopp op. 211
•Joseph Labitzky: Erinnerung an Gießhübl-Quadrille op. 103
•Joseph Labitzky: Londoner Saison-Walzer op. 90
•Joseph Labitzky: Blitz-Galopp op. 226
•August Labitzky: Erste Liebe-Gavotte op. 46
•August Labitzky: Ein Morgen auf der Villa Lützow-Walzer op. 29
•August Labitzky: Dom Pedro II-Festmarsch op. 39
•August Labitzky: Traum der Sennerin-Idylle op. 45