The album "Inner Spaces" is the third album of the Istanbul-born pianist Serra Tavsanli. With great certainty one can claim that it is her most personal album. With the works by Johann Sebastian Bach recorded here, she not only presents a masterful interpretation on a modern grand piano, but also connects the music with her own history and origins. In doing so, she reveals her innermost self and provides insight into very personal spaces of thought.
•Johann Sebastian Bach: Overture in the French style, BWV831 •Johann Sebastian Bach: Partita no.1 in B flat major, BWV825 •Johann Sebastian Bach: Partita no.3 in A minor, BWV827 •Johann Sebastian Bach: Toccata in C minor, BWV911
Bach, Johann Sebastian,
Vivaldi, Antonio,
Marcello, Alessandro
Bach in Venice
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Bach, Johann Sebastian
Bach: Inner Spaces
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