This recording marks an intermediate step on the way to the complete recording of all Monteverdi madrigals by RINALDO ALESSANDRINI. "Daylight" follows the album "Night", released in 2017 on the occasion of Monteverdi's 350th birthday.
Not only do we once again have the thematic, non-chronological concept - a kind of "best of" from Monteverdi's nine books of madrigals and operatic arias, complemented by instrumental pieces by Falconieri and Marini - but ALESSANDRINI also follows its own closed dramaturgy here, from early morning to the full sunlight of day. Carried by the experienced voices of the CONCERTO ITALIANO and an extraordinarily diverse instrumental ensemble, this music strives toward the rising sun, allowing the glories of nature to shine in the light of day.
Falconieri: Ciaccona – L’eroica
Marini, B: Balletto secondo à 3 e à 4, Op. 22 No. 2: III. Gagliarda
Marini, B: Corrente nona
Monteverdi: Alle danze
Monteverdi: Chiome d'oro (Book 7)
Monteverdi: De la bellezza le dovute lodi
Monteverdi: Duri, e penosi
Monteverdi: E dicea l’una sospirando allora
Monteverdi: Gli arditi balli e l’armonia dei canti (from Madrigali guerrieri, et amorosi)
Monteverdi: Il settimo libro de madrigali, 1619 'Concerto'
Monteverdi: Io mi son giovinetta, SV 86
Monteverdi: L'Orfeo: Balli
Monteverdi: L'Orfeo: Overture
Monteverdi: Movete al mio bel son le piante snelle
Monteverdi: Non si levava ancor l’alba novella, SV40
Monteverdi: Sento un certo non so che
Monteverdi: Su su, su pastorelli vezzosi, SV 166
Monteverdi: Sù, sù, sù augelletti canori (from Ninth Book of Madrigals)
Monteverdi: Su, su, su che'l giorno è fore, SV 9
Monteverdi: Zefiro torna