Christian Erbach’s exact date of birth is unknown, but he was probably born between 1568 and 1573. For most of his life he worked as assistant and then resident organist in Augsburg (Germany). His assignments included the teaching of music composition and organ playing to selected students from the choral school of the Cathedral. He was a highly regarded teacher and his good credit attracted both Catholic (like him) and Protestant students from many other cities.
Christian Erbach can be considered the most important music teacher of his time, together with J. P. Sweelinck from Amsterdam. The works he composed for keyboards are usually Fugues, Ricercari, Magnificats and Canzonas, and also Introitos, and Versos for the liturgical use. His Toccatas, above all, strongly influenced the organ composition style of Southern Germany, thanks to their virtuoso style. The composition style is reminiscent of the works of Gabrieli of the Venetian School, in the employment of some of the most majestic and sumptuous Italian instruments of his time, that are, luckily, still working and suitable to be used for these recordings. For example, the twenty-four feet organ placed in San Petronio in Bologna sounds absolutely majestic: this instrument is capable of highlighting both the low and the high frequencies, paying the righteous tribute to the high composition level of Erbach’s works.
Manuel Tomadin plays a variety of organs for this set, several of which are historical and date from the time of composition. Each organ is described in the extensive liner notes.
Tomadin is one of the foremost Italian organists of today, a scholar and passionate musician, with an impressive discography to his name: Husumer Organ Book, Alberti Complete Keyboard Works, Van Noordt, Krebs, Lübeck, Hassler, Martini and other North German organ masters.
Erbach: Canzona
Erbach: Canzona duodecimi toni
Erbach: Canzona francese tertii toni
Erbach: Canzona noni toni
Erbach: Canzona octavi toni
Erbach: Canzona primi toni
Erbach: Canzona quarti toni
Erbach: Canzona quinti toni
Erbach: Canzona secundi toni
Erbach: Canzona septimi toni
Erbach: Canzona sexti toni
Erbach: Canzona tertii toni
Erbach: Fantasia primi toni
Erbach: Fantasia sexti toni
Erbach: Fantasia sub elevatione
Erbach: Fuga
Erbach: Fuga duodecimi toni
Erbach: Fuga primi toni
Erbach: Fuga secondi toni
Erbach: Fuga secundi toni
Erbach: Intonatio secundi toni
Erbach: Introitus octavi toni
Erbach: Introitus primi toni
Erbach: Introitus quarti toni
Erbach: Introitus quinti toni
Erbach: Introitus secundi toni
Erbach: Introitus sexti toni
Erbach: Introitus tertii e quarti toni
Erbach: Jesu Nostra redemption
Erbach: Kyrie duplex
Erbach: Kyrie paschale
Erbach: Kyrie simplici
Erbach: Kyrie solemne
Erbach: Magnificat octavi toni
Erbach: Magnificat primi toni
Erbach: Magnificat quinti toni
Erbach: Magnificat secundi toni
Erbach: Magnificat tertii toni
Erbach: Ricercar
Erbach: Ricercar noni toni
Erbach: Ricercar noni toni sopra le fughe, Io son ferito, hai lasso è vestiva i colli
Erbach: Ricercar octavi toni
Erbach: Ricercar primi toni
Erbach: Ricercar quarti toni
Erbach: Ricercar quinti toni
Erbach: Ricercar secundi toni
Erbach: Ricercar septimi e octavi toni
Erbach: Ricercar septimi toni
Erbach: Ricercar sexti toni
Erbach: Ricercar tertii toni
Erbach: Toccata
Erbach: Toccata Octavi toni
Erbach: Toccata primi e secundi toni
Erbach: Toccata primi toni
Erbach: Toccata quarti toni
Erbach: Toccata quinti toni
Erbach: Toccata secundi toni
Erbach: Toccata septimi toni
Erbach: Toccata sexti toni dopo il Magnificat
Erbach: Toccata tertii toni