Nakład wyprzedany, ostatni egzemplarz"This is a jewel, both for its music and in its performance. Paul Hillier interprets each composer with intense sympathy and remarkable command of the two languages - Galician-Portuguese and Old Occitan" • Gramophone
anon.: Cantigas from the Court of Dom Dinis
Codax: Cantigas de amigo
Dinis: Sete cantigas d'amor
Rudel: Belhs m'es l'estius el temps floritz
Rudel: Dansa (instrumental postlude)
Rudel: Lanquan li jorn son lonc en mai
Rudel: No sap chantar qui so non di
Rudel: Pro ai del chan essenhadors
Rudel: Quan lo rius de la fontana
Rudel: Quan lo rossinhols el follos