Pamela Thorby - recorders
Rachel Podger - violin
Susanne Heinrich - viola da gamba
William Carter - archlute, theorbo, guitar
With guest artists:
Nigel Eaton - hurdy-gurdy
Richard Egarr - harpsichord, organ
Jean-Pierre Rasle - musette
The Palladian Ensemble is unusual in Early Music: an ensemble with a giant personality. How they play impresses audiences as much as what they play. In programming terms this gives them an enviable freedom.
They're not restricted to "great" music, not afraid to blow the dust off the respectable second-rate, and not required to explain obscure choices on over-elaborate musicological grounds. Their performances compel attention whatever they do. People go to hear the group first, the music second - the same order of priorities as pertains in the jazz, rock and pop worlds. Nothing wrong with that: the 17th century audiences did the same. A frank gut reaction to uninhibited virtuosity turns out to be "authentic" after all: "when an assembly for musick was, as divers were, appointed, and he onely to entertain the company... in a good humour he hath held the company by the ears with that force and variety for more than an hour together, that there was scarce a whisper in the room" Roger North on Nicola Matteis (written in 1728).
The Palladian Ensemble is firmly established on the international stage as one of the very best chamber groups performing baroque repertoire. Constant critical acclaim, a reputation for dashing, intelligent musicianship and a warm, spontaneous on-stage manner has led the Ensemble to give numerous concert and radio performances throught the UK, and to tour extensively across Europe and the USA.