The origin of the dialogue between a solo voice and several obbligati instruments dates from the early baroque period (1600), and probably emerged from the hum drum setting of the market square where a singer would perform to the accompaniment of a few wind instruments. More refined relations of this musical form soon could be found in sacred and operatic works. This CD contains the complete obbligato arias by master and pupil – J.C Bach and Mozart. Therefore we can hear examples of the pre classical (1750-75) and the classical period (1775-1820).
Bach, J C: Ebben si vada...lo ti lascio - concert aria
Bach, J C: Sentimi, non partir...Al mio bene - Recitativo: Sentimi, non partir
Bach, J C: Sventurata, in van mi legno
Mozart: Ah, lo previdi... Ah, t'invola agl'occhi miei, K272
Mozart: Ch'io mi scordi di te?... Non temer, amato bene, K505
Mozart: Non più, tutto ascoltai - Non temer, amato bene, K490
Mozart: Per questa bella mano, concert aria, K 612