Muzio Clementi (1752-1832) was one of the most influential pianist composers of the late classical period. A friend of Beethoven, the teacher of John Field, and rival to Mozart as a piano virtuoso. He was also a publisher and a piano manufacturer. His upbringing was unconventional to say the least – his family ‘sold’ him to an English nobleman Peter Beckford, who took him to his country estate in Dorset where he received the education of a young Englishman, and taught music to the daughters of the Beckford family. Clementi eventually moved to London where he quickly made the acquaintance of Salomon, Dussek ,Cramer and Haydn and made his name as one of the foremost composers for the piano of his time. He was also closely associated with the technical development of the piano towards the grand pianos we are used to today in concert halls.
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