Guglielmo, Federico;
Guglielmo, Giovanni;
Lazari, Carlo
The publishing of this complete edition of Giuseppe Tartini’s Violin Concertos (with the addition of two concertos each for cello and flute) is both a triumph for Dynamic label, which in its 36 years of activity has built a considerable catalogue of violin music and an artistic and historical document of indisputable musicological importance for anyone wishing to have a philologically reliable testimony of this aspect of 18th c. Italian instrumental music, valuable, therefore, for more than the mere dimension of listening.To grasp the importance of this achievement we must first of all note that only a very small number of these concertos can be found in modern, easily available editions, few of which, incidentally, are truly valid from the point of view of textual accuracy and respect of Tartini’s musical precepts.This project was started, almost twenty years ago by Dynamic’s founder Pietro Mosetti Casaretto who, in 1996, recorded and published the first three-CD box-set featuring the Concerti, Op. 1, performed by L’Arte dell’Arco, with Giovanni Guglielmo, Federico Guglielmo and Carlo Lazari as soloists, the same soloists who played in the 17th and last volume of the series published in 2013, evidence of this ensemble’s faithfulness to the project, and of their moral and artistic solidity, indispensable preconditions for any important musical achievement.